Misrepresenting your credentials or intentionally plagiarizing, lying on time sheets or billable hours, misusing expense accounts or abusing company credit cards, stealing the kudos for a co-workers 'accomplishments, or otherwise robbing your employers blind can all cost you your job. 简历造假,蓄意剽窃,在时间表或者计费工时上撒谎,伪造费用账户,滥用公司信用卡,窃取同事成果以获得荣誉及骗取公司财产都会让你丢掉工作。
To Apply on Variable Weight Combination Model of the Logistic-BP Neural Network in Company Credit Rating Logistic-BP神经网络的变权组合模型在公司信用评级中的应用
The bank has promised to extend your company credit. 银行已经答应向你们公司提供信用贷款。
Sex with management can be a huge ego boost, not to mention the chance to max out the company credit card after "working late" on that all-important presentation. 与管理者发生性关系,可以使你获得巨大的个人提升,更不用说在所有重要场合“工作到很晚”之后,有机会尽情地透支公司信用卡。
In this paper, the concept of company credit monitoring is put forward, the connotation of company credit monitoring is defined, the necessity and feasibility of establishing the system of company credit monitoring is set forth. 本文阐述了企业资信监控的概念,界定了企业资信监控的内涵,论述了企业资信监控机制建立的必要性和可行性。
Application of BP Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm on the Public Company Credit Rating GA-BP神经网络模型在上市公司信用评估中的应用研究
When I bid on the part it was under the assumption that I would be able to make payment using the company credit card. 当我的出价是部分的假设下,我将能够使用该公司付款的信用卡。
The company credit is changing continuously. 公司信用的大小是在不断变化的。
However, in what degree can capital carries the function of guarantee suffers query while the company credit system constructed with capital would not be able to fulfill the protective mission for both the creditor's benefit and trade safety. 然而,资本究竟能够在多大程度上承载债权担保功能却受到了质疑,以资本为核心所构筑的整个公司信用体系根本不可能胜任对债权人利益和社会交易安全保护的使命。
Hunan Industrial and Commercial Bank should set up independent risk management system, make securities broker company credit grade criteria for evaluation. 湖南工行应当建立独立的风险管理制度,制定证券公司信用等级评定标准,完善授信业务管理。
The third stage is the dying out of company credit basis. When the company faces liquidation and dismiss, the property of the company will be distributed to creditors and shareholders. 第三阶段是公司信用基础消灭阶段,也就是公司面临解散和清算的局面,公司的财产进行分配后归于债权人或股东。
As well-known, credit problem, especial company credit problem, is the bottle problem of market economy development of China. 众所周知,“信用问题”特别是公司信用问题是当今中国发展市场经济的瓶颈问题。
An Empirical Study on the Board of Directors 'Control and Company Credit 董事会约束与企业信用实证研究
The first stage is the origination of company credit basis, whose characteristic is registered capital credit. 第一阶段是公司信用基础的起始阶段,主要表现是注册资本信用。
Analysis on the Credit Risk in the Commercial Banks on the Condition of Asymmetric Information and Research on the Company Credit Rating 基于信息不对称的商业银行信贷风险分析和企业信用评级研究
Improving the state of company credit depends on the legal system, not on the advising. 提升公司信用水平,仅仅靠形而上的说教是苍白无力的,需要借助法律制度来促进。
Shortage of one person's company credit, not only has disturbed market economic order, but also has influenced the healthy development of trade market, has also increased trade risk and disadvantaged for the protection of benefit of trading relative person. 一人公司信用的缺失,既扰乱了市场经济秩序,影响了交易市场的健康快速发展,也增加了交易风险,不利于对交易相对人利益的保护。
The second stage is the forming and development of company credit basis, mainly included assets credit. That is the core stage of company credit. 第二阶段是公司信用基础的形成和发展阶段,主要表现是资产信用,这是公司信用的核心阶段。
This paper discusses the company credit basis from four aspects, therefore it is divided into four parts. 论文从四个方面分别论述公司信用的基础,故分为四章。
This paper deals with how to evaluate credit asset value, and how to grade company credit level, with the principles of operable, practicable and the combination of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. 本文以企业信用资产为研究对象,坚持定量与定性分析相结合、实用性、可操作性原则,对企业信用价值评估及企业信用评级的理论、方法进行了深入的探讨。
We should set our aim as establishing an insurance company credit rating system with Chinese characteristics and in line with international practice. And we should make great efforts to build an insurance credit rating institute of high profile. 在建立既具中国特色又能够与国际接轨的中国保险公司的信用评级体系的同时,应努力打造中国自己的能够一言九鼎的保险信用评级企业。
Chapter III has found a one-man company credit problems, so this section is proposed to change the accounting supervision system and improve the social credit system. 第三章已经找到了一人公司信用问题出现的原因,因而本节就相应的提出了改变会计监督制和完善社会征信体系的建议。
The second part will be focus on the analysis of the contrast of the advantages of company credit model and retailing credit model; introduce the advanced experiences of retailing credit model from other countries; and make analysis of the existed domestic small enterprise credit product and model. 第二部分进行了公司信贷模式和零售信贷模式优劣对比分析,介绍了国外零售信贷模式的先进经验,并对国内现有小企业信贷产品和模式做了比较分析。
Under the development background of X Company, combined with principles and methods of credit management, the author carries out a research on construction of X Company credit management system. 本文以X公司的实际发展现状为背景,结合企业信用管理理论的原理与方法,对X公司信用管理体系建立的分析及规划设计进行了探索性的研究。
The third part with fifth sixth chapters, on the basis of theory of Part One, combined the analysis of Part Two, gives the construction scheme and main contents of X Company credit management. 第三部分的内容为第五章和第六章,在第一部分理论的基础上,结合第二部分的分析,详细给出了X公司信用管理体系构建方案的主要内容及其实施跟踪。
As the development of the company practice, company credit basis changes gradually from the capital credit to the assets credit, and this change causes the reform of the capital system. 随着公司实践的发展,公司信用基础逐步由资本信用向资产信用转变,而这一转变引起了资本制度的变革。
At present, the finance company credit is almost all profit sources, As a result, it is very necessary to strengthen finance credit risk management and also it has great significance to guard against financial risks and maintain the healthy and continuous development. 目前,贷款业务是财务公司几乎所有的利润来源点,因此,加强财务公司贷款项目风险管理研究是非常有必要的,对于财务公司防范金融风险、保持健康持续发展有着重要意义。
Second is sure research tools and methods, through the collection listed company credit data, and by using the KMV model which puts clear show the listed company credit risk status. 其次是确定研究的工具和方法,通过收集上市公司信贷数据,利用KMV模型清晰的展现了上市公司信用风险状况。
Company is the most important commercialist of market economy, to accurately determine company credit basis relate to the improvement of the company, perfect credit system will help reduce the cost of using the system to improve the competitive advantage of company system. 公司是市场经济中最重要的商事主体,公司信用基础的准确界定关涉公司信用制度的完善,完善的公司信用制度有利于降低公司制度运用的成本,提高公司制度竞争优势。
Company credit business is a major source of profit that commercial bank created. Based on profit contribution, the earnings from group clients for the banks are far greater than the earnings from the single customer. 公司信贷业务是商业银行创造利润的主要来源,从利润贡献角度,集团客户为银行带来的收益远远大于单一客户。